Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How can I feature my work on the Go Indie TV website?
There are two ways: One: you may use our contact form and ask us to review your project(s) for consideration. We will ask for the title, your name, your contact information, rating (G, PG, PG13, R) and a link for us to view the video(s) or you may send your work to us through Two: We may find you ourselves and will embed your video from Vimeo or Youtube onto our site. We may not reach out to you for permission. If we like your work and we want to air on ALL our platforms (giving you great exposure) Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire TV then we will contact you. We will need for you to sign our agreement form allowing us to download your work.
Do we receive any revenue?
For the most part: NO. This is an opportunity for you to gain additional exposure. It cost us thousands of dollars to develop apps, fees to continue our services with Apple, Roku, and Amazon. We are only providing you a platform to extend your viewing audience. Though, you do have the opportunity to generate a revenue if you are willing to work hard at promoting your work. If you are driving traffic to your show(s) that air with Go Indie TV and our audience is interested in your content. Our partners may wish to have you on their paying platforms. Go Indie TV shares the revenue by giving you 80% of the revenue your project generates. We will reach out to you and we will require paperwork/contract to be completed.
Do you work on an Exclusive or Non-Exlcusive deal?
We work on a Non-Exclusive deal. You are able to have your content with Go Indie TV +any other platform you so choose. If you happen to strike an Exclusive offer with another company, it will be your responsibility to notify us on having your content removed from our platform.
Are there any other ways I can make money with Go Indie TV?
Yes, If you have a full length documentary, Film, or Web Series – you can ask for us to set your project up with a rental fee! Again, you will receive 80% of the revenue your show generates. Please keep in mind. If you are an unknown artist, if you have no known actor attached, if you do not work countless hours promoting your unknown project, typically viewers are not willing to pay $3.00, $2.00 or even $1.00.
If you are a filmmaker with a library of content, we will build you a free Roku Channel. You will earn 20-40% of the revenue share from our advertisers. To learn more about this offer please email me Cami Ciotta at
How can I be successful in this business?
First, you have to be very determined, driven, and passionate. You have to be willing to hear more no’s than yes. You have to be able to handle failure. You will need to invest in yourself. You will need to set money aside to “market” your project. Filmmakers number one mistake is NOT having money to market/promote their work. You can not place all your funding into making the project as you need as much money in promoting your project. You need to work countless hours- Every day driving traffic to your site. If you are getting under 2,000 views then you are only allowing your family and friends to watch. Family and Friends are not good at pushing your work. You need to find a viewer who has watched and has let you know that they love what you created. Give them incentives to be part of your team and most will volunteer!
Do not place your work on sites like ours and expect others to do your work. Companies like ours usually just place your content – they do not drive traffic to you. You need to be the one driving the traffic. Though, Go Indie TV will find artist that they like and will spend extra time promoting and they will present to others for exclusive offers and deals. Please, note we cannot do this for every Artist that is on our site. You need to stand out, grab our attention- you need to make effort.